Our Family

Our Family
Mike's Graduation May 2008

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Family Reunion Slide Show

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The DeGruccio Family Reunion and Dad's Final Resting place

Last weekend, which happened to be Mom and Dad's 51st anniversary, the family joined together in Mendocino for a Family Reunion. There were 23 of us. (with five missing) As a young family we would spend time in Fort Bragg and it has always been a great memory for all of us. It's a beautiful peaceful beach with lots of wildlife, wildflowers and rocks.
We had chosen this as the final resting place for Dad's ashes. I'm sure he would have approved.
We all arrived at various times on Saturday the 25th, without phone service we were able to get everyone there safely. The home we stayed in was built in the 1800's and we all loved it.
We played games and hung out together the first night and of course ate. It wouldn't be a complete family get together without lots of food. We've decided we need to go back to Fort Bragg and start up our Reunions again.
We had a great breakfast on Sunday, cooked by Kathy the next morning with fresh homemade cinnamon rolls. We packed everyone up, including Dad, and headed up the coast to Fort Bragg.
It was the most beautiful day with the perfect temperature.
Mom prepared some sweet words to share and we sang "Families Can Be Together Forever"
The six of us (Mom, Kathy, Rick, Jenny, Mike and Annie) joined in an inner circle holding hands as we prayed. The rest of the family was joined around us holding hands. The spirit was so strong and it was much more emotional than I think we all anticipated. I could feel Dad's presence and joy as he watched his posterity join together to celebrated not only his life but the knowledge that life does not end on this earth. We were standing on a rock in the ocean and after the prayer Mom was the first to scatter his ashes. Then each of the siblings followed her. Finished up by the rest of the family. We also scattered rose petals and the children blew bubbles. It was a sweet moment that I will treasure forever.
As I walked away, I saw rose petals floating in the tide, that had quickly spread from where they were placed. I thought about how Dad's ashes were there in the ocean but we could not see them. It was a beautiful sight and thought to think that his life will live on in the beauty of his posterity and all the lives that he touched. That rock that our family stood on,
which was a rock we had stood on so many years ago, was a symbol of the great foundation our Father and Mother built for our family. It was built upon our Savior Jesus Christ and their unconditional love. This cannot be shaken and has for me personally sustained me through the storms of life. I know I can always go back to that "rock" and be comforted and feel strength no matter what life throws at me. I can be sure my siblings would say the same. We are truly blessed to be our Father's children and carry out his legacy of love.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Christmas 2009

Our First Christmas without our Sweet Father...We survived. On Christmas Eve we were all together which in itself was a modern day miracle. Kennan came about ten days before with their children and Mike came a few days later. They spent almost a month here, which was really fun. They stayed with the De Gruccio/Skinner clan so we all got to spend a lot of good times with them. We are praying that Mike gets a position closer to us....or just gets a position somewhere would be nice at this point. We had our traditional Lasagna dinner on Christmas Eve with quite a house full. In memory of Dad we all completely stuffed ourselves. We did our traditional "Nativity Story" with all the Grandkids which is always entertaining. Singing Christmas carols in between the scripture version. It was actually a very happy joyful evening, although we missed Dad, I think all of us felt his spirit there through the love and laughter of family surrounding us. We ended the evening with "Christmas Jammies" from Grandma "D" and all the children raced to put them on and take pictures. The evening was full of good food, love for one another and love for our Savior Jesus Christ. I'm sure he had a big smile on his face, what more could he ask for?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

As the Holidays Approach...

The chill is in the air....the leaves are changing color. No one can deny the seasons are changing. Change is good for you they say. Who says that? The same people who say you should change your shampoo. Why? If it's working why change it? As we know in life changes come upon us unexpectedly. Sometimes we welcome them, other times we resist them. Change always gives us a chance to do some self evaluation and see what things need changing in our own hearts.
As the holidays quickly come and go it's inevitable we will feel that change...things will not be the same. Things will be a bit different. People missing and traditions broken perhaps. But I imagine this will give us a chance to reflect again on those who have always made the Holidays so special for us. How grateful we are for those who cook for us, that arrange everything just so it's still the same. Grateful for those who take pictures and document our family time together. And especially grateful for the ties that bind us together. Most importantly for the Legacy of Love and a Testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. Dad and Grandma Thomas were both great examples of both. Neither one of them left much behind in this world of monetary value. But they did leave priceless gifts for their posterity. Their Love and Their Love of the Savior. For this I am eternally grateful for and we honor them by carrying on that Legacy to our Children. This will not change, this will be a tradition. Chairs may be empty but our Hearts will be full.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Angel Standing By

This song reminded me of Dad....you can listen to it on itunes....Jewel's Lullaby CD

All through the night Ill be standing over you
All through the night Ill be watching over you
And through the bad dreams Ill be right there, baby
Holding your hand, telling you everything's gonna be all right
And when you cry Ill be right there
Telling you you were never anything less than beautiful
So dont you worry, I'm your angel standing by

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tear Soup

Dear Family,
I had a wonderful day of self-care & relaxation for my anniversary celebration. Thanks to all of you for your generosity & thoughtfulness. Because of my injuries I was a bit limited as to what I could do, but I was still able to get a facial (which was wonderful), & a pedicure & manicure. The setting up in the pines at Camino was beautiful. I loved it all. Then in the evening I went to dinner & a movie with Kathy for her birthday so that just topped off the whole day for me. It was a happy, happy, fun day as Kennan would call it. I had wondered what the day would feel like emotionally since the last couple of weeks have been up & down. I've had what I call a number of "Tear Soup Moments". Those are times of sweet remembrance or sometimes deep feelings of missing & sadness that bring a lump in my throat or tears to my eyes. So with a little nudging from Annie, I decide not to work on our anniversary so that I wouldn't put myself in a position of needing to compromise myself emotionaIly for others. I share this with all of you, not so you will feel sorry for me but rather that you will know in your own relationships that it hurts a lot and it will take time to heal from such a significant loss. When you build a whole life together & love each other through "thick & thin", it creates an emotional & physical pain when the separation of death comes. I think of it as part of the price we pay for loving, but it is well worth it. I wouldn't want to miss out on the loving to avoid the pain of losing someone.The knowlege of a hereafter is certainly a comfort when someone dies, but it doesn't make you miss anyone any less when they are gone from your presence. I envision Dad being involved in the Lord's work somehow on the other side. And I rejoice in the fact that he is free of his physical limitations. But that doesn't take away the missing part & that our life together as we knew it here on earth has ended. In our case, much of that ended six years ago, though we were still able to share some good times together. But the finality of it all of course came with his actual passing. So when anyone asks me how I am doing, I try to give a sincere answer. For the most part I am happy and my life is full of joy and I am surrounded by many loving family & friends. So when I say I'm doing great, it is a truthful answer. But to those I am closest to I also share those moments when I am still mourning because I think it's important to be honest and it allows us to heal through our connections with others who love us. So again, thank you and please know how much your love & support means to me. You are great family. I love you all!!
Love & Hugs, Mom

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy 49th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Yesterday was Mom and Dad's 49th anniversary. They were married in the Los Angeles Temple, Mom had just graduated from High School. Can you imagine? That would be my little Chelsea right now yikes! Her parents obviously trusted Dad. There was never a doubt in my mind that my parents loved one another. Dad thought Mom walked on water. I think we actually witnessed that a few times in or lives. Two amazing people. One year later, exactly, they welcomed their first child, Kathy, as their First Anniversary Gift. How grateful I am to have two parents that loved one another and always worked to have a Celestial Marriage here on earth. Don't get me wrong, we saw plenty of flaws, which made it even more real to us. This past month I have personally been reminded that my Earthly Father is proud of me and watching over me, as he is watching over all his loved ones. I feel his strength, I hear is council in my mind and feel his unconditional love sustain me. I'm sure he is plenty busy on the other side, but has not forgotten those he loves most. None of us will ever doubt his love for our Mother. I love the quote "The most important gift a Father can give his children is to love their Mother." Oh, what a sweet gift it is! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad and Happy Birthday to Kathy!